Pralibel knows from experience that its boutiques are the most profitable when they are located in a city centre or a shopping centre. If you already have your eye on a particular location, we invite you to come discuss it with us. Then we can go view it together.
We furnish and fit out the boutique, both on the inside and outside, to make it into a real Pralibel boutique. Your boutique will be the most stylish one on the block. The peace and quiet in the shop make it the perfect place to taste - and buy - pralines.
Pralibel gives you a bit of extra support during the peak times for chocolate: Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter, Mother's Day ... You will receive free promotional materials for your Pralibel boutique: posters, flyers, stickers, theme packaging, leaflets, etc.
We also regularly launch new products and series (and sometimes even limited editions). It goes without saying that we give them extra attention. And you will enjoy it. And your customers, not to mention your sales.